Well Then...



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Serenade, How I Love Thee.

My tomato seedlings that had blight at about 3 inches tall are growing strong and loving the room for their roots now that they've been transplanted. As you can see in the picture post they are already growing strong. The determinate variety (yellow sausage I believe) already has fully formed flower buds that look as if they will open tomorrow. I can't believe how quick they are to get flowers. I think I'll plant a determinate variety every year so the tomato season begins earlier. I also might try Early Girl because I've heard that the name is no lie. The blight is 100% cured and I can't believe it. After the tomato catastrophe last year I wondered if I could even grow organic tomatoes. It appears I can, which makes me really happy. I hate chemicals. The Serenade sort of smells bad to begin with, and after a few days of being mixed with the water and sitting around it really begins to reek. I don't know if that is the bacteria dying or something else, but I continue to use it anyway. Seriously though. I am in awe of how well it worked. If only I had known about it a year ago when I just watched my tomatoes die of blight, not knowing 1) what was killing them and 2) what to do about it. I will keep my Serenade on hand, but I also will keep them well mulched, well ventilated, and growing within the bounds of their cages to keep them as healthy as possible so the blight doesn't even have the slightest chance. I look forward to the roasted tomato recipe found at Smitten Kitchen because I think that just sounds incredible.

Oh! I also got a scale today, tiny little thing. It only goes up to 6.6 pounds so I guess its good I'm not growing watermelons because I would never get to know how much they weigh. Oh goodness though. I really can't wait for the garden to start producing a lot. The lettuce has really been awesome though. I have been able to give heads to friends and neighbors and they all just love it. I also have plenty on hand for personal use and I love putting it in wraps and whatnot. It makes me feel good to eat something that grew in the backyard. There's just so much pride mixed up in it that you don't get from a CSA or Farmer's Market, though that food is just awesome as well.

Speaking of CSAs. Mine starts tomorrow and I just can't contain myself. Unfortunately (or is it fortunate) we will be getting lettuce from that too. Pretty much a head or two a week which may be overwhelming seeing as we have our own, but I think the lettuce season might be winding down because my backyard gets loads of sun and I have a feeling the lettuce will bolt soon. I'm trying to eat it all up before it can do that on me, but I don't want to feel rushed. I do have some more lettuce seedlings growing so hopefully they'll last a while.